Thursday, May 7, 2015

Pride and Industry

Pride and Industry

Pride and Industry 

The biggest thing that sticks out about this county that makes is special is its good economy and great living conditions (besides the fact that the country is aesthetically jaw dropping). Pride and industry is their motto and considering that their water quality(drinkable) is better than USA's, literacy rate is .7% higher than the US, and the country is relatively healthy and smooth functioning, I’d say their motto makes sense. Things in Barbados are said to be pretty expensive. 

This is a Barbadian Dollar. 2 of their dollars equal 1 US dollar, but US currency is widely excepted. 
Sugar Cane 
In the 1700’s sugar, cotton, and tobacco was the main way that Barbados made revenue. The tobacco and cotton industry failed for them because of a lack of labor so they used their main crop to win their bread, so to speak. The sugar in the land was only used for domestic things such as feedstock, fuel, and for the production or rum. The sugar became a great reason why the island was so heavily colonized and since then sugar has really been a very important part of Bajan history. 
St. Nicholas Abbey Sugar Plantation, Barbados, Caribbean


Tourism now is the main industry in Barbados. Barbados is one of the biggest tourist destination in the world due to their all white sand beaches, old British architecture, all year around tropical weather, and unique culture with warm, kind people who make you feel welcomed there. They offer the best hotels to say in, as well as fun and educational activities to do. This pictures below show some of the attractions when staying in Barbados. 

Barbados Holiday Photo Gallery

Atlantis is a submarine bus tour that takes you through the coral reefs. There are scuba diving activities, nightlife, amazing hotels and much more to offer. 

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